stress reduction Renee McLaughlin stress reduction Renee McLaughlin

Stop Intense Exercise When Stressed!

If you are constantly stressed, depressed, not sleeping or eating well, you should definitely move. But exercising intensely is not the best kind of movement to get. Doing slow, gentle mindful movements are key to relaxing the nervous system and releasing the tension built up in your body.

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stress reduction Renee McLaughlin stress reduction Renee McLaughlin

How Stressful Thinking Affects YOU!

Negative thoughts create stress in our body and energy field. Like attracts like so when you are thinking negative thoughts you are creating stress in your body and field. This attracts more negative situations. Learn how to use positive thoughts to shift your state.

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stress reduction Renee McLaughlin stress reduction Renee McLaughlin

This Is Your Body On Stress!

We are all under a ton of stress right now and a lot of us think we should just toughen up and “push through it”. You can’t do it!!! That’s because stress isn’t all “in your mind.” It’s also in your body. Your stress response system is a primal reaction... it’s hardwired into your system to keep you safe and alive. I am going to outline some important things you need to know about stress and how it affects you – info that will help you: Use stress to your best advantage and learn how to manage it so it doesn’t run (and ruin) your life.

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