YES You CAN Boost Your Immunity Naturally!

 All we've been hearing about in the media is the importance of wearing a mask when out, washing hands like a fiend and staying away from anybody not in your house!  YES!  Got it!  Will Do!  But I haven't heard about things we can do to boost our own immune system to make us healthier and POSSIBLY less vulnerable to getting sick and if we do, POSSIBLY not having severe symptoms.

And even if it doesn't do this, why wouldn't you want to create a healthy immune system?  This isn't just for now. This is going to be even more important when we stick our heads out of our caves and begin to get out and about.

There are definitely easy things we can do to create a strong immune system.  Thought I'd share a few of my favorites!  They are tried and true!

#1 - DE-STRESS!!!!  Stress is a factor in 90% of all chronic illness and I'd venture to say just as high in acute illness too.  This is true when everything is "normal" in our lives but think about the added stress on our body during this bizarre time.  Feeling like we don't have control over our lives can create so much tension and fear and it's the exact opposite of what we need to stay healthy. What's a girl to do?

  • Get on the floor and "relax and release" all that tension with us in my Gentle Somatic Yoga classes. My Friday at 4:00pm EST class is FREE so click the link to register and come join in.

  • Do some deep breathing. Here's a short video I did with a powerful 3 minute breathing flow that will help you relax your tension.

  • Meditate

  • Get out in nature ( where there aren't many people). Nature is a healer of our physical and emotional body's.

#2 - MOVE!!!  Go outside and take a walk or take advantage of all the fitness classes now online. Love to have you come take one of my morning T-Tapp classes.  Click this link to see my schedule and come take a class.  Here's a 10 minute class you can do whenever you need to get up and move and the weather isn't conducive for going out.

#3. Eat real, whole food!  Get rid of the sugar and processed food as much as you can!   Did you know when you eat sugar, it dampens your immune system and takes it down for up to 6 hours??!!  Believe me, I realize when you are stressed and feeling out of control so often we turn to sugar to help us deal with our emotions.  But this isn't the time to be dampening down your immune system.  If you really have to have something sweet, try eating an apple or some berries.  That isn't the "sugar" that is going to negatively affect you in the same way.

#4  Take supplements known to help your immune system stay strong and you healthy!   We can't eat enough of the phytonutrients, anti-oxidants, minerals, amino acids, herbs that our body needs to really super-charge your immune system.  I have been in the health and fitness field for over 40 years (yes...I'm that old! 😎) and I have tried hundreds of supplements.  I would read or study up on certain nutrients and think they sounded phenomenal so I'd get them and start taking them.  Before I knew it, I was taking all kinds of different supplements.  And I supplemented myself into some serious deficiencies.  I got very sick and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  Once I found out about all the deficiencies I had, I realized that it's so important not to "cobble" your own supplement plan together.

Taking too much of one vitamin can lead to deficiencies of others and it's really hard to put it all together for yourself.

This is why I recommend only a few supplement lines.  Because I trust the Doctors that formulate these products and I know their products work TOGETHER synergistically to get the results we are looking for.

One of my favorite supplement companies is BodyHealth!I have been successfully using and recommending their products for a few years now.  Their flagship product is their Perfect Aminos!    

Click the link to read all about their incredible benefits and why we need these amino acids DAILY to help us with boosting our immune system, repairing tissue, maintaining and building muscle, burning body fat... This is a staple in my own daily immune boosting health program.

I love their Complete Multi with Liver Support.     This multi-vitamin/mineral product is so beautifully formulated with a super foods complex, liver support, powerful doses of vitamins and minerals (in the correct ratios) and anti-oxidants.  Taking this is like take 4 -5 separate supplements all in one.

These products have been formulated by Dr. David Minkoff who is one of the top Functional Medicine Physicians in the country.  And he recognizes the primary importance of creating healthy guts.  There is a saying among health professionals that health begins and ends in the gut.  I'd recommend also checking out their digestion products.


Dr. Minkoff has done it again!  To help us support and boost our immune systems further, he just released his new Daily Immune Defender! 

He gathered the best researched herbs...for boosting our immune systems and put it into this product. works synergistically with the other products!  This product has Elderberry, Astragalus, Echinacia, Goldenseal, probiotics, FOS (to feed the good gut bugs) and...he even added colostrom!!!  Some extra vitamin C and zinc and you have your whole enchilada in one beautiful product!

To put a little monkfruit sweetness on the is on sale right NOW on a BOGO - It's $49.90 but for right now you get 2 for that price!!!!


While other supplement companies have been gauging customers by raising their prices, BodyHealth is putting their immune and detox products on SALE. Right now, use coupon code IMMUNE for an additional 20% off their already affordable prices.  The Daily Immune Defender isn't part of the 20% but with the BOGO...I know I'm stocking up!

Let's all take control over our own health to the extent we can by taking good care of our immune system.  YES YOU CAN!


4 Minutes To Fabulous Feet


My #1 Favorite Way To Relax & De-Stress