Do THIS Instead!

 Stop exercising to lose weight! Notice I didn't say "stop moving"!

If you are exercising hard and are feeling sore all the time, need to take an afternoon nap, are grouchy and still aren't really getting the results you are looking for...time to give yourself a break!

All that intense exercise might not be doing a body good. Did you realize intense exercise is very stressful to the body? It also increases inflammation and free radical damage. But...what your body is really craving is - drum roll please - MOVEMENT! Especially movement that feel good! That is pleasurable!

Moving with pleasure fills your body with happy, "feel good" chemicals. It's magical and it's healing medicine. Not sure how to even begin to move with pleasure? First...come to a Gentle Somatic Stretch class with me and I'll show you how you can move your body with pleasure to relax your whole nervous system and allow your brain to relax all those tightly help muscles.

OR...just put on your favorite music. Get up and allow yourself to feel the music. Then just move to the beat. it is magical healing medicine. Try it out and come back and let me know how it completely changed your emotion and physical state. Just one fun song at a time.

Give it a try and come back and share your experience of how music and movement made you feel happy!  And that's really what it's all about!


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