Get Rid of Muscle Pain for Good!

Get Rid Of Muscle Pain for GOOD!

 Do you have muscle pain you can't get rid of? You go to the Chiropractor, massage therapist, PT...and feel better for a short period of time but the pain always seems to come right back? It's time to get to the root cause of the pain which is located your brain.Stress, repetitive movement, trauma...all lead to sensory motor amnesia. Sensory motor amnesia happens as a result of ignoring symptoms that come with stress (physical, emotional or mental stress). We usually do have physical symptoms that accompany stress but most of us are simply not paying attention to these signals and so we over ride them.  Over time, these habitual patterns continue and eventually we lose voluntary control over these muscles.  This can be experienced as  fatigue, chronic pains, stiffness and lack of flexibility.Another way of explaining this is after we've experienced our body perform an activity and specific muscles engage, the muscles do not fully disengage when we are done with that activity.  They continue to hold tension and won't let go (this happens on an subconscious level)  Even with the best intentions of the Chiropractor or other therapist, those muscles do not fully release when in resting positions.  They are still holding tension there.The brain gets used to holding those muscles in a tight contraction and loses the awareness that it can release them back into a relaxed position. The somatic movements we do in my Relax and Release Stretch class bring the brain back on line and give it the information needed to allow the muscles to relax, lengthen into a more normal position and with repetition of the movements, remain there.Voila! Pain is released along with those tight, contracted muscles.  Will it last?  This is the big question, isn't it?  The answer is YES!  Through repetition of the somatic movement flows we do in class.  We are re-patterning and re-educating  the muscles to lengthen and then realize it is safe to stay in the newly released position.  So repetition is key.  If you are in chronic pain, you might want to do the flows once or even twice a day.Then you can do them every other day for a week or two and then just twice a week appears to be all you need to do to maintain the new positions.  This, of course, varies with each person but it will give you a good idea of just what it takes.These classes are such a joy to do!  Not only do they re-pattern your muscles but the class is designed to relax your whole nervous system.  Relaxation is a key to helping the brain learn and to allow your whole body to heal.So join us in a live (or recorded), online Gentle Somatic Yoga class!  Gather pillows together!  Turn down the lights.  Perhaps a few candles?  Diffuse your favorite essential oils (mine is Lighten by PURE) and prepare to enjoy a meditative moving class that will also get you out of pain.

Click this link to get your FREE live, online class!

If your schedule doesn't allow you to come on worries.  Click here for my Gentle Somatic Yoga recorded class package  


Gentle Somatic Yoga Flow - Body Yawn!


Somatic Flow to Release Your Lower Back!