Health coaching Renee McLaughlin Health coaching Renee McLaughlin

10 Ways Gratitude Enhances the Quality of Your Life!

Abundance surrounds you. Regardless of your station in life, there are so many blessings that are are here to enhance your life. But they take an “eye” to notice them and a heart to “see” them as the blessings they are. Just for today, I invite you to become aware of all the blessings right there in front of you just waiting for you to notice them.

Stop for even a nanosecond and give thanks to them. Drop down out of your head and focus your attention and your breath into your heart. Notice them from there and allow the feeling in your heart to grow. Offer that heart-based feeling to the object(s) of your blessing. Bless it back. Notice the circle of gratitude that happens when you do this. ⭕

The more you give out your gratitude, the more blessings come back to bless you.

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