10 Ways Gratitude Enhances the Quality of Your Life!

10 Ways Gratitude Enhances the Quality of Your Life

Abundance surrounds you. Regardless of your station in life, there are so many blessings that are are here to enhance your life. But they take an “eye” to notice them and a heart to “see” them as the blessings they are. Just for today, I invite you to become aware of all the blessings right there in front of you just waiting for you to notice them.

Stop for even a nanosecond and give thanks to them. Drop down out of your head and focus your attention and your breath into your heart. Notice them from there and allow the feeling in your heart to grow. Offer that heart-based feeling to the object(s) of your blessing. Bless it back. Notice the circle of gratitude that happens when you do this. ⭕

The more you give out your gratitude, the more blessings come back to bless you.

What are you thankful for? Take a moment to ponder them.

Consider the ways that having gratitude makes your life better:

1. You'll be more enthusiastic. Research shows that when subjects recorded what they were thankful for in a journal on a regular basis, they reported having a larger sense of enthusiasm for their life than those who didn't write about their gratitude. Acknowledge your gratitude. Write it down. Look at it all day and keep adding to your Gratitude List.

2. You'll feel more dedicated to achieving your goals. When you take notice of the good things you have, you're more likely to put your nose to the grindstone and keep working for whatever else you desire.

3. Your level of optimism will soar. According to several studies, those who documented what they were thankful for were much more positive about how their life was going and how it would proceed. Being optimistic will fuel your passion to construct the life you deserve.

4. Energy levels increase. If you have gratitude, you'll have more energy to create the life you desire. Being aware of what you're thankful for galvanizes your efforts to discover all that your life can be.

5. You'll pay more attention. Being thankful ensures you'll be more alert and aware of how your life is going, what you're doing, and how you can continue to build the life you seek.

6. Levels of stress drop. As you live a life of gratitude, things that used to stress you out will lose their power. Instead, you'll be entrenched in the wonderful world you're living in.

7. You'll feel more content with life. Those who consciously have gratitude experience reduced levels of depression.

8. You'll exercise and MOVE more. Those who show a sense of thankfulness had higher reports of exercising more than those who weren't keeping a gratitude journal.

9. Providing aid to others will come easier to you. When you notice all the positive things surrounding you, you'll reach out to help others more often. When your soul is flooded with light and positivity, you'll feel more like being there for others.

10. You'll discover the life you truly want. As unusual as it may sound, the research about gratitude indicates that those who have thankfulness in their hearts are more likely to achieve their goals. As your thankfulness grows, your dream life is built.

Open your eyes to the bounties that grace your world. When you do, you'll live a more fulfilling life. Allow yourself to feel passion about the color of the fall leaves 🍁, the peacefulness of the snow falling ❄️, or the beauty of the blue sky 🌤️. Notice the feel of a warm coat against your skin or the love in your child's hug 🥰🤗. Maybe you're even grateful for that first cup of morning coffee.☕

Get started today on your own gratitude journal. Write about everything that you're grateful for. As you begin to give thanks, you'll find your life will be so much richer...or you will simply be noticing everything wonderful that has been there all along waiting for you to notice it! 💃💃


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