Hydrate to Super Boost Your Immunity!

Our immune system is literally run by hydration. Nature made hydration both our energy and sanitation system and we need extra protection in a time of pandemics. Yet we can't keep drinking more and more water.  Where will we get all that extra hydration?

Gina Bria, founder of the Hydration Foundation and hydration expert, has taught us the the body is better able to utilize “structured water” and the best place to get that is from fruits and veggies.

The gel water in fruits and vegetables is structured by nature, more nutritious, and guess what, more hydrating than liquids because it is packed with fibers to help water absorb not just flash flood through, and also full of nutrients.

Ranging between 80 to 98% gel water by volume, plants are nature’s perfect biological packaging of nutrients and hydration.  The next time you eat a fruit or a vegetable, it is a form of water. Water rich foods are nutrient rich, packed with antioxidants, proteins with their amino acids, and vitamins.  They also carry minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, which when activated by the electrical charge in water are then known as electrolytes that we need for energy.

We need this fuel not only for biological nutrition but also for cognition, judgement, and mood.  And get this, because of the fiber in plants, the water stays in our system longer because we absorb it more slowly. It’s a triple play of hydrating health: pure nature’s water, absorbent fiber, and not only needed nutrients but electrolytes!

Gina has created a recipe just for countering COVID-19, a perfect synergistic mix of hydration and immune activating nutrients delivered in one package. This recipe is made with easily available and delicious ingredients and is 2x more hydrating that a glass of water.

Corona Knock Down 

(Your kids will drink this)

In a blender add:

  • 1 apple (its fiber and pectin will time-release hydration in your system)

  • 1/2 frozen blueberries (proven antioxident power)

  • 4 leaves fresh basil or mint (leafy greens are 98% purified water)

  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger (high anti-inflammitory agents, use more if desired)

  • 2 cups water (mineral water even better, full of subtle voltage for more coherent cell to cell protection)

  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or squeeze of lemon or lime (raises alkaline environment where viruses dissolve)

  • 1/8 teaspoon (or a pinch) sea salt (natural electrolytes add electrical charge to your system, repelling viral particles from cell receptors)

for more variety substitute 1 cup coconut milk, oat milk, almond milk for 1 cup water

makes 2 servings

To accelerate the spread of hydration to all your tissues, add micromovements. 

These simple moves compress hydration further into your tissues and press out dormant waste.

Move 1): drop chin to chest and back up 3X for a spinal canal flush;.

Move 2)To strengthen lungs, make sure to raise your hands over your head at least once every day.

Move 3) Even better, clasp hands behind your back, straighten elbows, raise head and breathe deeply, hold breath for at least count of five, release breath slowly through lips 3x or when you remember.

Practice these simple moves throughout your day and you will deliver hydration more deeply into all your many water systems, circulation, lymphatic, fascia, synovial fluid and cellular. Movement is nature's way to deliver hydration, not just drinking.

Thanks to Gina Bria! Anthropologist / Educator / Consultant /Founder, The Hydration Foundation gina@hydrationfoundation.org www.hydrationfoundation.org



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