Be Your Own T-Tapp Success Story

 Have you heard lots of stories from women who have had incredible success using the T-Tapp Workout to lose inches in record time?  How does this happen?  Is it "too good to be true?

"Over the 20 years I have taught T-Tapp to hundreds of women and absolutely is true.  But as they say in commercials under the fine print...results vary.  While I've seen some truly astounding results, not everyone gets a huge inch loss super quickly when they first do T-Tapp.  Why?  Well there are just so many variables.  But what I will say is everyone who starts and does the T-Tapp Workout WILL get results.

These results can include getting more energy, having more flexibility and range of motion, better sleep, better digestion, reduction in anxiety and depression.  How about just plain feeling better.

One of the questions I always get is "I've heard so many great success stories with T-Tapp but I don't know where to start!" Best place to start by learning each of the moves in the 15 minute workout called Basic Workout +.

I created an "instructional" video course where I teach you slowly and with lots of modifications each move. It's called T-Tapp Method 101.Then once you have learned the basic moves, you can go right to Basic Workout +. Again, I recorded Basic Workout + for you so you can go slowly and really activate all your muscles giving you the very best results. This version is actually 40 minutes long because we take time to do each move slowly and with lots of fascia stretching and activation.   

Begin With a Boot Camp...

If you are new to T-Tapp or if you are beginning again, it's a great idea to do a "Boot camp". This is doing the workout 4 - 14 days in a row. Do at least 4 days in a row to get your body in a good fat burning, inch loss mode. I explain the Boot Camp in more detail in the video above.  

Can You Get Great Results Without Dieting?

You don't need to "DIET" but you will get better results if you eliminate sugar in all it's forms i.e. sucrose, glucose, multidextrin, malt syrup, rice syrup... Sugar is the body's preferred fuel source.  So if you consume sugar (or other high glycemic carbs) and then you do your T-Tapp Workout, the body will use the sugar in your bloodstream for energy.  It can take some time before you use up that energy source and allow the body to now dip into your own fat cells for energy.  You want to dig into your own storage form of energy which is your fat cells as quickly as possible. 

Then eliminate as many omega 6 vegetable oils as you can. These include canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil. These oils are very inflammatory and having high inflammation will stop or slow your inch loss. Drink a lot of water to flush your system. When you burn fat for fuel you also release the toxins stored in those fat cells.  So drink, drink, drink up and flush it all out.  Take advantage of the lymphatic nature of this workout to detox out these toxins.  Get at least 7 hours sleep and get in as much relaxing as possible. All these things will help give you the best results possible.

Been T-Tapping and Not Getting The Results You Are Looking for?

If you've been doing T-Tapp but not getting the results you are looking for, or if you are just starting and want to make sure you are "doing it right", then come join me in my new Live Online Form Tips Group Coaching Course that begins Monday June 8. It's one thing to watch the form tips videos and instructional videos and follow along. But you still don't really know if you are doing the moves as well as you could to get the best results. This new Group Coaching course will solve this problem. I'll be teaching every move in Basic Workout+ and then giving each person tips and tweaks.

It's like having a personal training session with a Master T-Tapp Trainer only without the high cost. 👏💋💋 To register,  click this link!    Enrollment is open through Monday morning of June 8, 2020.There is only one way to be sure you WON'T get results doing T-Tapp - you just don't do it! 

But if you are looking at being your own T-Tapp success story, come join me in our live online coaching course and let's get you the results you've been wanting!




Booty Kicker Barre Full Body Workout 🙋‍♀️ 60 Minutes Fun at the Barre.💪💞