Learn How To Relax Your Body and Mind

Learn how To Relax Your Body and Mind!

We are living in such a stressful time that most of us want to know how to relax your body and mind. You might have tried deep breathing relaxation and that works. But for how long? It is certainly helpful (I do it a lot too) but it doesn't last long and it definitely doesn’t do anything to relax your muscle tension.

When we are stressed, we pull our energy in and up, contracting our muscles in towards our heart as a "programmed" protection move. To relax the muscles, we need more than just deep breathing. Gentle Somatic Yoga WILL relax your body and mind. The slow, gentle movements are the key to relaxing your body and mind. They are working at the root cause of the tension.

That is your brain. Your brain controls the muscles and when we are under stress and are contracting in towards the center of our body, the brain looses control over those muscles and it keeps the muscles in a contracted state.

The techniques I use in my Gentle Somatic Yoga classes allow the brain to learn to relax and release the muscle tension allowing us to open up and allow the energy to move freely again. You will feel your muscles relax and release. You will be amazed at how much better you feel. It will also help you take deeper breaths which will help to relax your mind as well as your body.

Experience the benefits of this beautiful gentle, yet effective practice. Check out my Gentle Somatic Yoga playlist here on youtube. Find a video that sounds like it would be right for what you are feeling right now. Get on the floor and allow the movements to relax and release your tension. This is how to relax your body and mind.

You might also find taking my longer classes helpful. Lasting results come from doing longer (60 minute) classes a few times a week to allow the brain to learn and the body and mind to relax. Learn more about Gentle Somatic Yoga and how it might help YOU learn how to relax your body and your mind.




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