What is the T-Tapp Method?

 Teresa Tapp created a brilliant workout she called T-Tapp and the tagline read - MORE than a workout!  She produced many workout DVD's and a few digital classes that allowed thousands of people around the world to lose up to 2 sizes in 4 weeks and many did this by doing her 15 minute workout she called Basic Workout +!

Over the years, she trained and certified a small number of Trainers to teach her T-Tapp Workouts.  The Trainers who learned and certified to teach all of her workouts are considered Master Trainers.  An appropriate name because Teresa insisted we not only be able to do the workouts and teach the workouts, but also understand and embody the method and principles behind her work.

This understanding and embodiment took years.  It wasn't simply a matter of taking a weekend course and getting a certification.  I personally devoted years of my life to mastering this method of movement.  I did it because it transformed my body and I have been able to help hundreds of women use the workout and the method to do the same thing.  Check out just a few of the testimonials I've received.

Teresa passed in September (2018) and while we were all devastated by her untimely passing, she left us with an incredible legacy of healing using her method of movement.  She asked us to continue to evolve her work forward and not let it go.

We Master Trainers have taken that to heart and that's exactly what we are doing.  Each of us in our own way using what she taught us and putting that mindful movement into other types of fitness classes that we enjoy.

This coming T-Tapp Fitness Retreat at Safety Harbor Resort and Spa August 1 - 4th, will be our tribute to this brilliant woman, educator, wife, sister and dear friend!  We hope you'll join us as we celebrate Teresa and share her method of movement with you as we evolve it and move it forward.

Here is a link to our Retreat page with all the information and registration!!!  

Master Trainer Michelle Barbuto and I talk T-Tapp and what we will be sharing at this Retreat in the above podcast!!!  We hope you enjoy it!

I'll be hosting these  podcasts with all the different Master Trainers who will be teaching at this Retreat on the T-Tapp Workout Facebook page over the next month.  Please come back and watch.  Post any questions for us here so we can be sure to answer them.


What Do Swing Dancing And T-Tapp Have in Common??


T-Tapp Hoe Down Count Challenge