T-Tapp Hoe Downs! Change the Count for a Better Brain and Body!

T-Tapp Hoe Downs!

Change The Count for Better Brain and Body!

 T-Tapp Hoe Downs are a fabulous 3 minute move created by Teresa Tapp to give us one move that does it all!  It will get your heart rate up for  a cardio boost, balance blood sugar, reduce blood pressure if done consistently, balance hormones (amazing, I know), tighten and tone your whole body and...it will balance your brain!Because you are using both sides of your body in a different way, Hoe Downs "sync" both sides of your brain.  This helps with focus and productivity.  It's even been used in schools to help kids with focus issues.But what happens when you keep doing the move the same way over and over?  It's still super effective at helping with all those issues.  But knowing the brain loves a challenge and grows new neuropathways when you give it a challenge, I thought...what might happen if you change up the count?When someone first learns Hoe Downs, they typically get this very confused look on their face.  It looks super easy when you are watching someone else do it.  But when you go to do it, you find your arms and legs get very confused.  It can take quite a few repetitions to finally get the count down.Hoe downs are typically done with 2 sets of 4 counts to the front and 4 to the side.  Then you do 2 sets of 2 to the front and 2 to the side and then the fun really gets going with 4 sets of singles.So I decided to do the count backwards.Watch the video and do it with me.  Then do it on your own.If you get all tangled up...just laugh!  Did you realize the brain loves laughter.  It's true!Have you ever noticed when you get stressed out about something, all of a sudden you can't remember anything?  The brain simply shuts down that part under stress.  So...laugh!Love to hear your experience with these hoe downs.  Leave me a comment and share this post and video with a friend!!!  


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