Ready to release your tight hips?

Here’s a GREAT Hip Rotator Release!!

Do your hips feel like they are locked up? Can you easily lift your leg up and to the side?

With all the sitting we have been doing while staying home, so many of us have gotten so tight in our hips. This hip rotator release will blow you away. When you do it, do it super slowly like I'm doing it in the video. It is NOT a stretch but a slow release and that's where the magic happens.

These releases are working at root cause of your tension which is the brain. The brain controls the muscles.  When the brain stops telling the muscles to relax and release, you get locked up. This release uses a technique called Pandiculation to re-pattern the brain to body connection.  It will release for you when you do it and with repetition, it will stay released for longer and longer periods of time.

If you are a "T-Tapper" and do the move Hoe Downs, I suggest do a set of hoe downs before doing this release.  Notice your range of motion and ease when taking your leg out to the sides.  Then do this release and come back and do another set of hoes downs.  You will be blown away at the difference

!Try it and come back and comment on your experience. Prepare for WOW!

Want more Gentle Somatic Stretches? 

Check out this course that gives you 14 different Gentle Somatic Stretch classes that will have you feeling A-MAZING in your body!. 


How To Get Started With T-Tapp!👏💪💃


My TOP 3 Tips for GREAT T-Tapp Results!